Order cheap Lorrie Weber Checks with cute Americana check designs

Lorrie Weber Personal Check Designs

18 Designs Found

You'll find cute and folksy artistic drawings on our personal checks by Lorrie Weber. From old country barns to country style American flags Lorrie Weber scenes are simply charming. Her checks, "Needful Prisms," show her rustic style. She includes two dimensional homes complete with a crow and apple dumplings. She brings in part of America with her red, white and blue color scheme and her country style star.

Lorrie Weber Checks Showcase Paintings of Country Charm

If there is a simple life in the country, Lorrie Weber has captured it. Her Sunnybrook Lane Checks show just a house. A simple blue house with a vine as a border around the check. With a tree on each side, you can just picture family life with children running up the street to invite friends to play. Grandpa and Grandma would be happy campers on Sunnybrook Lane. Enjoying the simple things in life is a ticket to contentment. Order artistic checks by the artist: Lorrie Weber.